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About UsHere's our story.

Wanting to remove the current monetary restrictions and outdated stigmas against backpacking/onebag travel, brothers AJ and Austin Pearce decided to make this website and resulting channels (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) to help others experience the world on their own terms. We wanted to provide a resource for the frugal minded to achieve the ultimate goal of seeing the world while still remaining grounded in their spending.

We are both early in our careers in the tech industry and have an unquenchable thirst for adventure and history. As we travel these foreign shores, we try to step back into the pages of a history book and rediscover and uncover events from the past all while appreciating our unfamiliar surroundings.

As we are both early in our adult lives, we do not have much disposable income to spend on our hobby of traveling. Due to our own limitations, we have discovered how to travel to distant lands while remaining on a healthy budget and we wish to ultimately share that with anyone who will listen. After being inspired by Youtuber Geowizard’s videos over traveling Europe (series How Not To Travel Europe), we realized that foreign travel does not have to be the stereotypical experience consisting of rambunctious tour guides and strict refined schedules.

After backpacking around England in the fall of 2022, we were motivated to create this brand and hopefully provide a small spark of inspiration or influence to others that currently think that traveling is either too costly or difficult. If we can do it, so can you.

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